The Smiths Are On Every Pandora Station

It's been too long since I rashly began this Blogger/Blogspot/Blurrrrgh before moving quickly to Tumblr (, but in light of the recent awesomeness that has been 2010 for music, I felt it only appropriate to raise the volume a little and talk in an outside voice.  Highly appropriate that my last post dealt with Colorado-based rock group Cure For Madeline, as well as audio-enema spazzsters Rolo Tomassi.  Let us open a window, let in a little air, and take a journey for a minute.

Today I found a message in my inbox from a certain "Giovanni".  Also certain was the fact that I do not know anyone named Giovanni.  I was curious about this little message.  I decided to open the bastard up and take a look-see.  What I found was a charming note from one of the guitar players of Fort Collins' own Cure For Madeline (HERE, BITCHES).  Upon discovering this fact, I was immediately surprised that none of the message contained the usual "fuck you"s and "you wouldn't know good music if I called it David Bowie and put it in a dress" (this. has. happened.).  The note was very polite; Giovanni explained that he had come across my earlier blog entry and was "intrigued" at my opinion.  He asked that I head BACK to their MySpace (I admit, I shuddered a little at the thought) and listen to their newer material.

Oh, fine.  Let me pack a bowl first.

Reason #1 on why I am here.  I did go back to their MySpace, and I listened to their two newest (citation needed) tracks - "Cherries & Lemonade" and "ADDICT".  Thoughts on both follow.

"Cherries & Lemonade", on first listen, sounds like Paramore.  I am not making a comparison in style here.  It flat out sounds like a slow Paramore song.  Think "Let This Go" from All We Know Is Falling.  Now, let me explain how this isn't necessarily a bad thing.  I dig on Paramore more than I really should, but at the same time...who the hell thought it was a good thing to sound exactly like someone else?  Maybe it is the fact that I am seriously bored with every genre of music you find on popular radio nowadays - especially when it comes to so-called "alternative" rock - but once again (SURPRISE!) nothing truly grabbed me about this.  Fun fact:  This track also features Joey Barba formerly of The Brotherhood Of Dae Han and now of my second-favorite Colorado band, Tickle Me Pink.  Even the Barba could not kick out the jams to make this song anything more than okay.

After a couple more listens, I do have to say that vocal work has gotten a lot stronger and the harmonies of the chorus are the most decent parts of the song.  I didn't find my face melting-off Raiders Of The Lost Ark style...which, in this context, means this band could still be making leaps and bounds in their style and songwriting skills.


Now, what can I say about "ADDICT"?  It's definitely a lot different from "Cherries & Lemonade"?  It starts out with a pretty typical Coheed & Cambria guitar line (which you achieve by mixing together power metal, prog rock, and any riff ever written by any guitar player who has ever listened to a single At The Drive-In song), and then fleshes out a bit with the best vocal work I've heard from front-woman Whitney Leigh so far.  It's got a little attitude!  A little snarkiness!  Then suddenly, it hits me.  The Donnas.  It REALLY REALLY REALLY reminds me of The Donnas, and hilarity ensues.  I couldn't get the image of Donna A thrashing out next to Claudio Sanchez and that huge hair of his out my head.

There.  I did it.  I tried.  My best attempt at giving Cure For Madeline another shot.  I guess it's getting better...?  Keep it up and maybe they'll find a voice that more closely resembles their own.  It might seem like I get down on what might influence an artist, or can only determine the quality of an artist's product based off what else it might sound like it - but that's only half true.  Everything is the result of what has come before, but I would like to see the next step from there.  So, that is the question that I propose for Giovanni and the rest of Cure For Madeline - what is it that makes your music YOU and ONLY YOU?

Now, speaking of thrashing and face melting and blood-thirsty bears, may I immediately recommend to our more advanced readers/listeners (those who appreciate the Votolato brothers, want Sean Nelson's life, and know who I'm talking about when I mention 'Zooma'): Rolo Tomassi's "Cosmology".

Chocobo says DIE!

There probably is not a worldwide government conspiracy dedicated to creating the most kick-ass band of all time, but Rolo Tomassi is pretty good evidence to the contrary:  Five British teenagers (EDIT: never mind, as of May 18th, they're all over twenty years of age) with extreme technical prowess and a mutant understanding of musical composition.  Hypnotic synth.  Wicked breakdowns that almost guarantee dancing.  Unbelievable power.  A female lead singer who can growl and scream like Satan.  Who could ask for more?

While this style of music is definitely not for everyone, it has definitely converted a fair number of my colleagues into fans.  I guess you just have to hear it for yourself:

Visit the official Rolo Tomassi MySpace and find out how you can make the right choice and purchase a copy of this wonderful record.  It's definitely on the fast track to becoming my favorite record of the year.